Fit a zero-inflation estimator.
Fit a zero-inflation estimator.
log_formula = lin_formula,
B = 100L,
mse_est = FALSE,
estimand = "means",
parallel = FALSE,
transform_fun = NULL,
inv_transform_fun = NULL
- samp_dat
A data.frame with domains, auxiliary variables, and the response variable of a sample
- pop_dat
A data.frame with domains and auxiliary variables of a population.
- lin_formula
Formula. Specification of the response and fixed effects of the linear regression model
- log_formula
Formula. Specification of the response and fixed effects of the logistic regression model
- domain_level
String. The column name in samp_dat and pop_dat that encodes the domain level
- B
Integer. The number of bootstraps to be used in MSE estimation.
- mse_est
Logical. Whether or not MSE estimation should happen.
- estimand
String. Whether the estimates should be 'totals' or 'means'.
- parallel
Logical. Should the MSE estimation be computed in parallel.
- transform_fun
Function. Function to be applied to the response variable prior to modeling.
- inv_transform_fun
Function. Inverse of transform_fun. Required if transform_fun is specified.
An object of class `zi_mod` with defined `print()` and `summary()` methods. The object is structured like a list and contains the following elements:
* call: The original function call
* res: A data.frame containing the estimates and mse estimates
* lin_mod: The modeling object used to fit the original linear model
* log_mod: The modeling object used to fit the original logistic model
lin_formula <- DRYBIO_AG_TPA_live_ADJ ~ tcc16 + elev
result <- saeczi(samp_dat = samp,
pop_dat = pop,
lin_formula = lin_formula,
log_formula = lin_formula,
domain_level = "COUNTYFIPS",
mse_est = FALSE)
#> Warning: Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00715735 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
#> Warning: Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue
#> - Rescale variables?;Model is nearly unidentifiable: large eigenvalue ratio
#> - Rescale variables?